
Sverige deltar med militär trupp i Afghanistan under Natobefäl. Nu får vi veta att Nato/USA lyckats med att stimulera korruption och narkotikahandel. – USA mörkade sanningen om kriget i Afghanistan

”I en artikelserie i tidningen Washington Post framkommer nya uppgifter om USA:s krig i Afghanistan. Det handlar om förut hemligstämplade uttalanden från högt uppsatta militärer och tjänstemän som visar att USA kan ha bidragit till en ökad korruption och narkotikahandel i landet.”

Samma ämne tas upp i ett amerikanskt radioprogram, Loud&Clear.
We were lied to: Secret Afghan war documents exposed

Why the public should be outraged at Afghanistan war revelations

Earlier this week we told you about secret Pentagon documents uncovered by the Washington Post that show that the Defense Department, the CIA, and other federal agencies have lied consistently over the past 18 years about US military progress in Afghanistan. While the government was telling the American people that we were winning the war in Afghanistan, the truth was that we were losing, and in fact, we weren’t even sure who the enemy was. Brian and John speak with Peter Kuznick, a professor of history and director of the Nuclear Studies Institute at American University and the co-author with Oliver Stone of the book and hit Showtime television series “The Untold History of the United States.” – 18 års lögner om Afghanistan i fokus

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